In the quaint streets of Grodno, Belarus, a kitten with fur the color of spring leaves has become the talk of the town. Meet Eraser, the feline wonder whose emerald-tinted fur is not just a quirk of light but a natural marvel.
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Sergey Viktorovich, the proud owner of a local stationery shop, stumbled upon this little miracle when he heard of a new litter in the village. Among the cuddly chaos of orange and white, Eraser stood out with his unusual green glow.
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A visit to the vet confirmed that Eraser’s coloring was as natural as it was extraordinary, the result of a rare genetic twist.
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Eraser, named after the stationery essential, is more than just a pretty face. He’s the life of the store, chasing pen caps and greeting customers with his curious gaze. His playful antics and warm purrs make him a beloved mascot, not just to Viktorovich’s family but to the entire neighborhood.
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As Eraser tumbles into adulthood, his future shade is as mysterious as his current hue. But one thing is certain: the love he’s found with Viktorovich’s family—and their corgi companion—is as deep and lasting as his unique color.
Image source: INSTAGRAM
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