Shy Stray Cat Finds Home Through Heartwarming Acts of Persistence

Stray cats are often scared and timid, trying to hide from any possible danger. However, with a little love and patience, they can turn into the most affectionate companions.

Anna Caplan from Ohio never imagined that a stray cat would beg her to adopt him, but that’s exactly what happened. 

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One day, Anna came home to find a timid cat hiding in her backyard. As a devoted cat lover and proud mom of a tabby cat, she immediately approached the newcomer. However, the adorable stray was not used to humans and quickly hid.

Anna and her roommate decided to take it slow, leaving food out in the backyard. The sweet boy patiently waited for a clear coast and then emerged to eat.

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Little did Anna know, it would take just one meal to change the cat’s behavior. He began making himself comfortable on their window sill, though still a bit shy. Anna recalled in her video:

“He wasn’t fully comfortable, I want to say, until like five or six months.”

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Anna rushed to open the window and try to cuddle him. Although he was still a bit scared, he allowed her to give him a scratch or two. After this encounter, the fluffball returned daily, spending his time on the window ledge.

Anna named him Bart. Over the next few months, Bart followed her everywhere. He escorted her to the car and was always nearby when she did errands around the backyard. Tired of the harsh street life, Bart decided it was time to move inside.

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Bart figured out an adorable way to get adopted. He would come every night and scratch or paw at their windows or back door. Anna mentioned, “He would get up in the window and scratch pretty much every single night.”

Bart was ready to be loved and cuddled inside, but Anna couldn’t let him in yet. At the time, she and her roommate were fostering kittens, and until they were adopted, Bart had to be patient.

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Anna eagerly awaited the day she could bring Bart inside and give him the love he needed. Once the foster kittens went to their forever homes, it was Bart’s turn to move in.

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Bart explored the house and quickly made himself at home. He followed Anna everywhere, always right behind her. Anna was thrilled to have adopted Bart. She shared:

“Knowing that I have saved a life and that he is happy is like the best feeling ever.”

Image source: YouTube

Bart was finally in a safe home, away from the harsh streets. Follow his adventures on Anna’s TikTok page.