In a delightful twist of fate, the Folsom City Zoo has become the stage for an extraordinary friendship between Sequoia, a majestic 550-pound elderly brown bear, and a charming stray cat, now lovingly known as Little Bear. This unlikely duo’s story began when Little Bear, drawn by the abundance of food, ventured into Sequoia’s enclosure.
An Unexpected Guest in Sequoia’s Home
Image source: YouTube
One morning, Sequoia awoke to a surprising sight – a small cat cozily nestled in her space. The zookeepers, initially spreading dog food as treats for Sequoia, soon noticed the feline’s visits and began offering cat food as well.
Little Bear: The Zoo’s New Star
Image source: YouTube
Image source: YouTube
Quickly, Little Bear became an integral part of the zoo family, earning his name and a place in the hearts of visitors. The bear and the cat, both in their golden years, share a love for the quieter moments, often found lounging in the shade or enjoying the sun’s warmth.
Mixed Reactions from the Crowd
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The unusual pairing has sparked a range of emotions among zoo-goers. While some are enchanted by this display of interspecies friendship, others express concern for Little Bear’s safety. A young visitor, in awe, remarked to KXTV, “I thought he was gonna be eaten by the bear.”
A Peaceful Coexistence
Image source: YouTube
Image source: YouTube
Despite the odds, Sequoia and Little Bear have found comfort in each other’s presence. Their serene cohabitation is a testament to the unexpected bonds that can form across species. The Folsom City Zoo, home to a variety of animals including monkeys, lions, and kinkajous, invites visitors to witness this remarkable friendship and many other wonders.
H/T: YouTube