Brave Husky Found A Box Of Kittens In The Forest And Adopted Them.

Meet Banner, a compassionate assistance dog from Georgia, USA, with a heart full of love.

Besides assisting her owner, Whitney Braley, with her disability, Banner has a special talent for rescuing and nurturing animals in distress.

Having been with Whitney since she was a pup, the 3-year-old husky has been trained by her to assist in various situations, especially during Whitney’s anxiety or PTSD episodes.

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Whitney shared with Bored Panda: “Banner alerts me about PTSD episodes, anxiety attacks, and more.

We’ve been involved in many rescues, and Banner has a soft spot for kittens. She even raised a kitten I found abandoned two years ago.”

Both Whitney and Banner share a deep love for animals. On one of their walks in the forest, they stumbled upon a sealed cardboard box. Inside? Seven helpless newborn kittens.

Image source: Youtube

Banner’s instincts kicked in, guiding Whitney to the hidden box. Whitney recalls the moment to Metro: “It’s as if someone left these kittens in the box, hoping they’d never be found. I’m amazed at how Banner sensed them, especially since the kittens were silent and cold.”

Image source: Youtube

Banner’s maternal instincts shone through as she adopted the kittens, ensuring their safety and well-being.

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Whitney welcomed the kittens into her home, vowing to find each one a forever home. She mentioned: “I aim to find loving homes for these kittens. Our local shelter isn’t always the safest option, so I prefer to care for them. I can’t bear the thought of them being harmed.”

Image source: Youtube

Banner’s heroic act stands as a testament to her loving nature and dedication. Her rescue mission has not only saved lives but has also touched the hearts of many who hear her story.