10 Tips For Training Your New Kitten

The arrival of a new kitten brings boundless joy and excitement to any household. With their playful antics and endearing purrs, kittens quickly become cherished family members. However, along with the delights of kitten ownership come essential responsibilities. One of these is training, which shapes their behavior and enhances the bond between you and your furry companion. In this guide, we’ll explore ten invaluable tips to help you train your new kitten effectively, ensuring a harmonious and fulfilling life together.

Start Early

Training your new kitten should begin as soon as you bring them home. The early weeks are crucial for instilling good habits and behaviors. Kittens are like sponges, absorbing information and adapting to their environment rapidly during this period. Starting early sets a strong foundation for their future development, making it easier to shape their behavior as they grow.

Preparing Your Home for a New Kitten

Bringing a new kitten into your home is an exciting adventure but comes with responsibilities. Before your furry friend arrives, kitten-proofing your space is essential. Remove hazards like toxic plants and small objects that can be swallowed, and secure electrical cords. Produce a safe and easy environment by providing a cozy bed, food and water dishes, also a litter box in a quiet area. Ensuring your home is ready will set the stage for a successful transition for you and your kitten.

Litter Box Training

Litter box training is a fundamental aspect of kitten ownership. Selecting the right litter box is essential; it should be appropriately sized and easy for your kitten to access. Place the litter box peacefully, away from their food and water dishes. Kittens often need to use the litter box after eating or waking up, so be vigilant.

To instruct your kitten to utilize the litter box, gently place them in it after meals or when they show signs of needing to be eliminated. If they use the litter box correctly, praise them and provide a little treat as a reward. If your kitten has an accident, clean it up promptly with an enzymatic cleaner to remove the scent.

Positive Reinforcement

It is a strong tool in training your new kitten. Kittens respond well to rewards and praise, so use these to reinforce good behavior. When your kitten follows a command or exhibits the desired behavior, offer verbal praise, such as saying “good kitty” affectionately. You can also use treats as rewards for tasks like using the litter box, coming when called, or learning basic commands.

Teaching your kitten basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” can be highly beneficial. Start with short training sessions, as kittens have shorter attention spans. Utilize treats and positive reinforcement to reward them when they respond correctly. Consistency is key; consistently reinforce your desired behavior using the same cues and rewards.


Socializing your kitten from a young age is essential for their development into well-adjusted adult cats. Early socialization helps them become comfortable with various people, environments, and situations, reducing the likelihood of fearfulness or aggression in the future. To socialize your kitten, introduce them to friends and family, ensuring positive and gentle interactions.

Expose your kitten to different environments within your home, gradually expanding to include outdoor experiences if you plan to allow them outside. Be patient and gentle during these socialization efforts, and always prioritize your kitten’s comfort and well-being. Socialization is ongoing, and ensuring your kitten becomes a confident and friendly feline companion is crucial.

Scratching Behavior

Cats have an instinct to scratch, which assists them in maintaining healthy claws and marking their territory. To prevent destructive scratching:

  • Provide appropriate outlets for this behavior.
  • Invest in scratching posts and pads made from materials your kitten enjoys, such as sisal or cardboard.
  • Place these scratching posts near your kitten’s favorite lounging spots or where they tend to scratch furniture or other surfaces.

Encourage your kitten to use the scratching posts by gently guiding their paws and rewarding them with praise and treats when they comply. If your kitten starts to scratch inappropriately, redirect them to the designated scratching area. Be patient, and remember that consistent reinforcement is key to successfully curbing destructive scratching habits.

Playtime and Exercise

Kittens are bundles of energy, and playtime is integral to their training and development. Engaging in interactive play sessions burns off excess energy and strengthens the bond between you and your kitten. Feather wands, laser pointers, and interactive puzzles are all excellent options. Supervise play to ensure safety, especially when using toys with strings or small parts. Regular exercise is vital for a robust and well-behaved kitten. Dedicate daily time to play and let your kitten’s inner hunter shine.

Feeding and Mealtime Etiquette

A consistent feeding routine is crucial for your kitten’s health and training. Provide high-quality kitten food and follow the recommended feeding guidelines based on age and weight. Set specific meal times to regulate their eating habits and prevent obesity. Avoid feeding from the table to discourage begging and food aggression. Instead, use designated food and water dishes. If you have multiple cats, feed them apart to minimize competition and reduce stress during meals.

Grooming and Handling

Getting your kitten accustomed to grooming and handling from an early age is essential for their well-being. Brushing your kitten helps reduce shedding and prevents matting. It’s also a bonding experience that strengthens your connection. Introduce your kitten to grooming tools gradually and reward them for their cooperation. Additionally, they practice gentle handling to ensure they are comfortable with being touched, examined and picked up. Regular grooming and handling maintain their physical health, create trust, and reduce stress during veterinary visits or other situations.

Patience and Consistency

Training your kitten requires patience and consistency. While kittens are quick learners, they may not grasp commands immediately. Be patient and repeat training sessions regularly. Maintain training sessions short and positive, and avoid punishment-based techniques, as they can undermine trust. Consistency is key; consistently use the same cues and reward systems so your kitten understands your expectations. If you encounter challenges or setbacks, seek advice from an expert trainer or veterinarian, and recall that every kitten is unique, with their own pace and personality.

Q&A Section

How early should I start training my kitten?

You can start training your kitten as early as eight weeks old. Begin with basic behaviors and gradually introduce more complex commands.

What’s the best way to train a kitten?

Choose a suitable litter box, place it in a quiet spot, and gently introduce your kitten to it after meals and naps. Be patient and consistent with rewards.

Can I train my kitten to walk on a leash?

Yes, leash training is possible. Start indoors with a harness and gradually transition to outdoor walks. Be patient and use positive reinforcement.

How do I discourage biting and scratching during play?

Use toys to redirect their energy and discourage rough play with hands or feet. If they bite or scratch, stop playtime immediately.

How can I prevent my kitten from climbing the curtains?

Use deterrents like double-sided tape on curtain edges. Provide alternative climbing options, like cat trees, and use positive reinforcement when they choose those instead.


Training your new kitten is a rewarding journey that strengthens your bond and ensures a well-behaved companion. With preparation, patience, and consistent positive reinforcement, you can assist your kitten to develop into a happy and well-adjusted cat. Celebrate each milestone and enjoy the joys of raising a well-trained feline friend.